Research and Educational Promotion Council of Kerala (REPCO-K), a NGO registered as an educational trust in 2022 is a novel initiative of a group of socially-committed individuals who has come forward with a vision to bridge the socio-economic divide in the higher education sector. The primary aim of the venture is to promote the underprivileged students who are often denied an opportunity to acquire higher education and choose a career of their dreams. REPCO-K has long been conceived as a plan of action in 2019 with the effective guidance and support of various social and charity organizations.
REPCO-K mainly intends to work in the field of career development and counselling. The educational system of our country is constantly evolving over the years, and it has a substantial impact on the job market. With numerous industries and roles to choose from, students are often perplexed to reach a decision.
Over and above, socially and economically disadvantaged students face severe financial crisis to choose courses leading to their dream careers. We desire to acquaint individuals with different occupational choices by taking the work demand and their potential into consideration.
Besides the choice of an ideal career, it is equally important to equip students with the required skillset and training to perform at their best in any field of work. REPCO-K also aims to refine the skill of each individual by providing job-oriented vocational training courses.Lack of knowledge about various types of scholarships
Scholarship is the right of any deserving student, particularly for children from disadvantaged backgrounds. offered by the government and other private organizations is also one of the major reasons that prevents students from exploring multiple career options available in the present times.
We also intend to introduce different types of scholarships available in India and abroad, and promote awareness among the student community. This will help them to take the right step in their career journey.
Our mission is to set a rightful career path for all individuals by ensuring that every student gets an opportunity to pursue higher education, thereby empowering them to stand on their own feet.
Provides documentation and paper-work services to avail educational loans.
A common service centre exclusively for students.
Raises CSR funds for the needs of students by visiting different companies in India.
Career guidance and counselling.
Introduces various professional courses and their syllabi.
Introduces different types of scholarships available in India and abroad.
Free spoken English classes for higher secondary students.
Psychological counselling for students preparing for competitive examinations.
Offers job-assured six-month-training courses for free
Offers legal-aid to avail educational loans.